Can apnea be cured?

There is no doubt that suffering from sleep apnoea not only contributes to diminishing the quality of our rest, but also our quality of life. A total or partial obstruction of breathing during sleep that puts our health at risk and where those affected who suffer from it wonder: can sleep apnoea be cured?

It’s not a good thing to rest and sleep badly. And even more so when you know that you suffer from a pathology that, at night, could be putting your own life at risk. Obstructive sleep apnoea – also known as sleep apnoea – causes a dangerous narrowing of the airways when breathing in during sleep, due to a collapse of the muscles in the throat and surrounding structures.

This inevitably leads to brief pauses in the breathing movement, which reduces the oxygen reaching the blood. It is normal for the person to get up instantly because the brain senses that there is an inability to breathe and therefore stimulates the body to get up to open the airways. Sometimes it is not necessary to wake up because the mechanism works well again and sometimes this can also be repeated several times a night. The question from people affected by this pathology is usually the same, “but is sleep apnoea curable or not?”

How to cure sleep apnea?

If left untreated, sleep apnoea can be harmful to your health in the medium and long term. It can even trigger other more serious pathologies that can lead to death. And not only during the night, the person can suffer moments of sleepiness during the day which can be dangerous. Also cerebrovascular accident (CVA) or coronary disease are some of the pathologies that can arise. Currently, the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) and other institutes such as the National Institutes of Health (NIH) are conducting continuous research on the subject for a cure for apnea. While there is no definitive cure yet, there are solutions that come close to it, which can greatly improve patients’ lives.

curar apneia do sono

One of the most requested is the CPAP device for continuous positive airway pressure. It consists of connecting a mask to a tube and a machine that blows air with positive pressure into the airways to keep them open. There are also other options such as riskier surgical procedures, but in any case, improving the patient’s lifestyle will be essential to talk about a “near total apnoea cure”.

Another interesting option is the DAM mandibular advancement device. A comfortable, discreet and minimally invasive choice for patients with snoring or mild apnea.

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Terapia CPAP Portugal

CPAP Therapy is composed of a multidisciplinary team of professionals and collaborates with different specialists in Pulmonology, Otolaryngology, Neurology, Cardiology, Dentistry and Endocrinology dedicated to improving the quality of life of patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea or OSAHS (Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Hypopnea Syndrome)

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