How often should I renew the mask for my CPAP treatment?

The lifespan of CPAP treatment masks will depend on use, care and environment. The hypoallergenic materials of which they are made deteriorate over time, so even with good care and daily cleaning, we must renew them to be able to count on a fully optimal treatment. A mask in poor condition can cause skin irritation, discomfort due to the poor condition of the headgear and one of the most serious aspects, air leaks.

When a mask leaks air, the treatment parameters prescribed by the physician may be affected so that the effectiveness of the therapy is not sufficient to alleviate the symptoms caused by apnoea. In addition, a constant air leak can significantly disturb the patient’s sleep, preventing rest, causing awakenings, decreasing the quality of sleep and enduring the discomfort of constant pressure at the localised site of the leak, sometimes causing conjunctivitis and skin irritation. This discomfort can lead to the patient abandoning therapy.

Most manufacturers recommend changing the full face mask at least once a year in order to optimise positive pressure therapy and eliminate obstructive sleep apnoea.  

At TerapiaCpap, we recommend our range of masks so that you can experience the greatest comfort when carrying out your treatment.

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Terapia CPAP Portugal

CPAP Therapy is composed of a multidisciplinary team of professionals and collaborates with different specialists in Pulmonology, Otolaryngology, Neurology, Cardiology, Dentistry and Endocrinology dedicated to improving the quality of life of patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea or OSAHS (Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Hypopnea Syndrome)

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