Side effects of CPAP treatment

Are there side effects of CPAP treatment?

The answer is no.

Even so, starting with CPAP therapy can be a stressful and impossible process to complete.

First of all, it is important to know that it is not. You will eventually manage and above all enjoy the big difference between treating your apnoea or not.

Here we explain how to deal with any problems that may arise during the first few months of adjustment:

If you feel a choking sensation: this situation usually arises the moment you open your mouth during treatment. The air pressure supplied by the equipment escapes through the mouth and the sensation is one of suffocation.

To avoid this problem, we suggest you try using a chin support.

The purpose of the chin support is to prevent the mouth from opening during treatment, thus avoiding air leaks.

If the chin support does not work or if you suffer from a deviated septum and cannot avoid breathing through the mouth, you should exchange the mask for an oronasal mask.

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Another discomfort you may experience if you are a CPAP user is skin ulcers caused by the mask. You may be over-tightening your headgear.

The headgear should be snug enough to avoid air leaks, but not so tight that you feel discomfort. If you find that you need it tighter than usual to stop air escaping, you should either replace your mask or find a model that is more suitable for you.

If your skin is sensitive and suffers when wearing your mask at night, you may also want to try a nasal mask to prevent irritation.

If you get up in the middle of the night because of discomfort caused by the equipment, take it off. The hours of use will gradually increase without you realising it until one day you will get up in the morning and will be totally adapted to the treatment.

In the first few days, you may feel that your sleep is worse and that you sleep fewer hours.

This feeling will also improve during the adaptation period.

Keep in mind that with CPAP treatment the quality of your sleep is much better, you will get more rest in less time.

We want you to know that we are here to help, call us whenever you need us (+351) 917 600 071.

The only side effect of CPAP treatment is the great improvement in your sleeping hours, your work, your daily activities, your health and your life in general.

Fill in the form and we will contact you as soon as possible.

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Terapia CPAP Portugal

CPAP Therapy is composed of a multidisciplinary team of professionals and collaborates with different specialists in Pulmonology, Otolaryngology, Neurology, Cardiology, Dentistry and Endocrinology dedicated to improving the quality of life of patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea or OSAHS (Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Hypopnea Syndrome)

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