Home test with WatchPAT 300


Do you snore?

Are you feeling tired?

Do you fall asleep in the day?

It’s possible that you suffer from sleep apnea. With our respiratory polygraph, we offer you the chance to assess your sleep objectively and qualitatively to confirm the suspicion of sleep apnea and its severity.

Simply sleep with the device for one night. We’ll send it to your home to be tested. The next day, we pick up the device to analyse the recorded signals, it’s that easy!


More information

WatchPAT 300 measures 7 channels (PAT signal, heart rate, oximetry, actigraphy, body position, snoring and chest movement) using three contact points. Its 3 points of contact offer a 98 per cent study success rate without compromising diagnostic capacity. Real sleeping time. It uses its advanced actigraphy to differentiate between periods of wakefulness and sleep to calculate actual sleep time. to calculate the actual sleep time. Calculates AHi and ROI using the patient’s Actual Sleep Time instead of the patient’s Recorded Time instead of the Recorded Time.

What does automatic reporting include?

  • Real sleep time (estimated)
  • Respiratory indices based on actual sleep time
    (pAHI, pRDI, pAHIc, ODI)
  • Central sleep apnea and Cheyne Stokes breathing
  • Position-related apnea
  • Arquitetura completa do sono [vigília/REM/sono profundo/sono ligeiro].
  • REM-related apnea